My daughter, who is more technological than I am (everyone is, I admit), convinced me that I must be up with the times as a writer and add a Blog to my website, prepublication. She came over early one morning with her one-year-old son Jagger and her good intentions to help me, her uncomputerish mother, challenge her tranquil screensaver of palm trees and ocean waves. First, we had to baby-proof the room, making sure Jagger would be safe, by plugging up the electrical outlets with little plastic thingamajigs, removing glass objects from his reach, etc. Ahh, perfect. Ready to go:
We pulled two chairs up to the computer, figuring the baby will be good if I just hand him a coffee can filled with large foreign coins, too big to swallow. He immediately got busy stacking and sorting the coins. One at a time, he pulled the coins from the can – you know, the one with the jagged edges on the inside rim? “Is that blood on Jagger’s fingers?” my daughter asks, calmly. “NOOOOOOOOO!” I scream.
She reassured me the injury was not worthy of the decibel range released from my mouth. I looked at her, remembering when I raised her and was calm like that, too. Hmm…what happened? Where’d I go? I passed on the baton to my little girl, now the grown-up, mature and brave mother.
My golden retriever was the first one at the scene to administer first aid, licking Jagger’s boo boos, while we searched for Band-aids small enough for his tiny fingers.
Hmm…now, where was I? Oh yes, the computer. I abandon my first attempt of THE BLOG (sounds like an alien) and replace the screen with the lovely palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze again…like putting a Band-Aid on a boo boo…All better.